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Western Isles

NHS Western Isles

Updated 16 June 2011

Who has diabetes?


Why are these figures important? 

Western Isles profile

NHS Western Isles provide healthcare to approximately 26,000 members of the public living in the Outer Hebrides. Within this population 4.5% of individuals have diabetes. This is 0.1% lower than the Scottish average. This amounts to 1,170 individuals. The Scottish Public Health Network estimate that almost 700 have this condition but have yet to be diagnosed, as a small Health Board area this is a relatively high number of people undiagnosed.  The Western Isles have an older than average age profile and relatively higher levels of deprivation. 

In 2007, Diabetes UK Scotland and NHS Quality Improvement Scotland pulled together feedback from focus groups and surveys to report on what was the experience of care of people living with diabetes.  The review of the care experience of people living with diabetes within the Western Isles has suggested that those with diabetes within this region show approval of the manner in which diabetes teams within this area work together. This is most apparent during annual reviews, of which half of the respondents noted the access to a flexible appointment system. This survey also showed that healthcare teams were supportive and provided written and verbal information about diabetes and its possible complications.

What people have said about diabetes care in the Western Isles

"The Nurse specialist in the hospital has in particular been very supportive and answered any questions."

Tell the Scottish Government about your diabetes

The Scottish Government’s websiteBetter Togetheris also interested to hear of people’s experiences of diabetes care.  By submitting your experience of NHS care the government hope to improve health services across Scotland. You can follow this link or if you would like send us we’ll do it for you.

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