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Living on a budget

Money is often a problem, whether you're a student or have just started your career.

You'll want to budget, but don't sacrifice your health. It's one thing you can't afford to do if you have diabetes.

Life on a budget

Food shopping

We have loads more information on how to eat well with diabetes, but there are a few things you can do to help you save money too.

  • One big weekly shop at your supermarket will work out cheaper than lots of single trips to the local shops over the week.
  • Look out for supermarket ‘own brands’ and in-house specials.
  • Some supermarkets sell produce at reduced prices near the end of the day (but always check the sell-by date).
  • Market stalls are cheaper for fish, eggs, fruit and veg.
  • Buy some foods in bulk, such as pasta, potatoes, rice, dried beans and pulses.


If you have Type 1 diabetes, you'll be exempt from prescription charges. You can pick an exemption form from your GP, a chemist or your nearest social services office.


Type 1 diabetes was included in the Equality Act in 2010.

This means that Type 1 diabetes is described as a disability. Although a lot of people with Type 1 wouldn't consider themselves disabled, it does mean that you're protected from discrimination at work or school because of your diabetes.

Being in the Equality Act also means that education providers should make reasonable adjustments for you. This is to make sure that your not at any disadvantage from other students because of your Type 1 diabetes.

There isn't a set list of reasonable adjustments, so what is reasonable can be decided by cost and how practical the adjustment is. Examples of reasonable adjustments could be putting a mini fridge in your halls so you can keep insulin in your room, or allowing you to eat in lectures.

People with Type 2 diabetes can also be covered by the Equality Act. This might not always be the case because definition treats each person as an individual, not as a group. How your condition affects your ability to carry out day-to-day tasks will depend on if you are able to get reasonable adjustments.

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