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Join our online focus group on access to flash and CGM

We want to hear your thoughts

We would like to hear from you on what Flash and Continuous Glucose Monitoring means to you and your diabetes in an online focus group on Wednesday 14 September from 7.30pm to 9pm. 

We’re seeking to have a balance of experience and type of diabetes at our focus group, and anyone living with either type 1 or 2 diabetes, currently with or without diabetes tech, or those who are just interested in learning more about it are welcome. 

Register for the focus group

We’re anticipating interest in this event to be high, and as we’re aiming for a balance of lived experience, not everyone may be allocated a space. We’re keen to hear from those who have not attended our events before, and particularly those living with type 2 diabetes using insulin.

Why are we holding a Focus Group?

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recently published guidance that all adults with type 1 diabetes should have access to either Flash or Continuous Glucose Monitoring. NICE also recommends that some people with type 2 diabetes who use insulin should also have access to Flash.

These new guidelines represent a welcome shift toward a better understanding of technology as an integral part of diabetes management, rather than an added luxury. These guidelines are currently being implemented in England and Wales. For further information go to our who qualifies for diabetes tech on the NHS page.

What about Northern Ireland?

Adaptation of this important NICE guidance in Northern Ireland would mean wider access to technology for more people with diabetes. The Diabetes Network’s Digital Group has identified this as a priority for Northern Ireland and is developing pathways to reflect this guidance for people living with diabetes. Crucially, this is subject to funding being secured from the Department of Health and we’re working to make the case for diabetes to ensure there are no inequalities in access to tech between NI and the rest of the UK.

As this work develops, and to help make the case for increasing access, we’d like to hear what Flash and CGM means to you and the difference it makes or could make to your quality of life.


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