You can let diabetes take over your life which is demoralising– or you can take control.
I am a very busy mum and Director of an arts organisation. I've lived with diabetes Type 1 for over 35 years. I am a parent with three children, one of which also has diabetes.
There is thankfully a huge difference between the management of children's diabetes now compared to what I experienced in the 70s.
However I am still amazed at the myths and misconceptions of diabetes in the media and public, and the inability of the school system to effectively put simple management plans in place in schools so all staff are clued up and young people with diabetes and their parents are treated with dignity and respect.
Diabetes has shaped my life and made me view the world from another perspective.
You can let it take over your life which is demoralising, or take control.
It has made me challenge and question societies and government’s role in providing equality for people with diabetes, but also more interesting the rights of all disabled people.
I’'ve had three successful pregnancies and developed my own business. This has made me realise that I have a wealth of determination and balanced view to life
Diabetes does undoubtedly affect your work but in many ways, fortunately, I manage it and if necessary the people around me very effectively. If they discriminate or don't understand the implications of their actions through lack of thought or ignorance, I will gently challenge them.
Diabetes has shaped my life.
Probably because of the diabetes I have been involved in equality training and challenging stereotypes and working very much on the positive implications of the social model of disability as a tool to design services.
The positive effects of having diabetes is it has made me stubborn, determined and motivated. When I say stubborn not because glucose levels are low or high, but because I am feisty, passionate and feel that life is what you make of it. It is also not for anyone else to decide your limits or career path or qualities.