Do you want an opportunity to change the lives and futures of people living with diabetes in Northern Ireland? Then our Diabetes Care Improvement Ambassador role could be for you.

Diabetes UK Northern Ireland is working harder than ever to make sure people with diabetes have access to the services and care they deserve. By joining us as Diabetes Care Improvement Ambassador you can help us make a real difference.
As an Ambassador you will help to influence key decision makers, champion our goals and shape diabetes services. You will represent people living with diabetes and help achieve the mission, objectives and ambition of Diabetes UK’s 2020-2025 Strategy alongside our Policy and Care Improvement Manager,
The Diabetes Care Improvement Ambassador may also, where possible, work with and advise the Policy and Care Improvement Manager on Diabetes UK campaigns being delivered locally.
Main elements of Ambassador role:
- Help put the needs of everyone living with all types of diabetes on the political and government agenda
- Be a positive advocate for the vision, mission and work of Diabetes UK Northern Ireland at all times
- Advise and be a critical friend to the Policy and Care Improvement Manager on both local and national Diabetes UK campaigns, and work to ensure its effective delivery; advise on public surveys and consultations related to diabetes care; and, where possible, advise on and sense-check Diabetes UK’s policy and position statements from a Northern Ireland perspective
- Attend meetings and events as a Diabetes UK representative, putting forward views and suggestions on how services could better meet people’s needs; and send feedback to the Policy and Care Improvement Manager, highlighting any issues of concern or any areas you think need to be followed up
- Help Diabetes UK keep in touch with what is happening in your area.
There will be flexibility, however as a guide you should expect to spend 2-10 hours per month over a year in your role as a Diabetes Care Improvement Ambassador. For example:
- Training to help you get started
- Preparing for and attending meetings
- Reviewing and commenting on Diabetes UK policy and campaign documents
- Working with Diabetes UK’s Policy and Care Improvement Manager to discuss diabetes care and services delivered in NI.
Please note during the current coronavirus pandemic there is no expectation to travel to meetings, as most meetings will be held virtually.
What we are looking for
As a guide, we’re looking for a good mix of the following skills and experience:
- A strong interest in improving services for people with all types of diabetes.
- Confidence contributing in meetings with health care professionals where diabetes services will be discussed
- Willingness to engage positively and to constructively challenge where necessary
- Ability to represent the views and opinions of people living with diabetes and Diabetes UK
- Willingness to learn, develop and seek help if you come across issues you don’t understand.
- Good written communication skills and ability to use Microsoft Word, email and access to a computer with an internet connection.
- A broad understanding of Diabetes UK’s work, including its 2020-2025 Strategy, or a willingness to learn
- Knowledge of the health and social care system in Northern Ireland
- Some experience of reading papers and reports in preparing for meetings
- Understanding of how policy is developed, particularly in health and social care.
What we can offer you
If you’re successful, we’ll offer a range of support to help you make the most of your role as an Ambassador:
- An opportunity to contribute in a way that suits your personal circumstances – for some people this will be in a group, for some it may be on an individual basis, and for others it may vary over time
- Induction, training, guidance and support
- Information and materials to help you undertake your role
- Keep you up to date with policy development in diabetes and tell you about our campaigns
- Reimbursement of agreed out of pocket expenses incurred while carrying out activities on behalf of Diabetes UK e.g. travel, when applicable
- Recognition of the role that you are carrying out in support of Diabetes UK.
How to apply
If you’d like to apply, please contact nivolunteering@diabetes.org.uk for an application form and return your completed application form to nivolunteering@diabetes.org.uk
We’ll review all applications against the person specification and invite those that best fulfil our criteria for an informal interview via an online platform. We’ll be in touch to inform you of the outcome of your application.
Confidentiality is very important to us. Diabetes UK is trusted by others with sensitive information. We therefore ask that should you work with confidential information you ensure that confidentiality is upheld.
The only time confidentiality should be broken is where you are concerned about your own or someone else’s safety and wellbeing, including if someone makes a disclosure to you. In these circumstances, it is mandatory to report the concern as soon as possible to the Diabetes UK safeguarding team or, if someone is in immediate danger, the police (999). See Diabetes UK’s safeguarding policy for full details; this is also covered in your safeguarding training.
Intellectual Property
The work you do for us is important to us and we value the rights that may exist in any work which you undertake. In some cases, it may be vital that we own and can prove we own such rights. Accordingly, we may ask you to complete, sign and return a separate assignment of such rights.
Please note that Diabetes UK or you can choose to terminate the volunteering relationship at any point.
The purpose of this role description is to set out the expectations of both parties. It is not the intention of either party that the volunteering has the purpose or effect of creating a legally binding contract or an employment relationship between parties.
Thank you for volunteering for Diabetes UK. We very much appreciate your volunteering for us and will do our best to make your volunteer experience with us enjoyable and rewarding.