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Soap actor releases duet for Diabetes UK

Singer-songwriter, Shane Board has released a charity duet featuring Coronation Street actor, Harriet Bibby, with all money raised supporting Diabetes UK.

The song, which is called 'The People We Keep', is about people who come into your lives, and the reason why - whether good or bad.

Shane, who has lived with type 1 diabetes since he was ten years old, is very passionate about raising money for Diabetes UK through the Dorset-based fundraising organisation Pop4Diabetes. The song is dedicated to Lynwood Newman, a supporter of Pop4Diabetes, who lost his battle with cancer last year.

Shane said:

“Our aim is to raise funds for diabetes research hoping one day there will be a world without diabetes, and until that day to help make things easier with technology for those of us living with it. We have visited research labs with Diabetes UK in the past, and that has encouraged us to support funding for a cure even more so.”

Harriet, whose character Summer Spellman in the hit ITV soap was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in August 2021, has been given background information and advised about type 1 diabetes by Diabetes UK. 

Harriet Bibby said: 

"Before playing Summer, I didn’t know a lot about type 1 diabetes, and it was so helpful to speak to Diabetes UK to understand more about the condition.

“I was so happy to be asked to record this song with Shane. All money raised from the song will go straight to Diabetes UK, who have been amazing to work with on my storyline.”

Louise Trott, Fundraising Manager for Diabetes UK, said:

“Thank you so much to Harriet, Shane and the organisers at Pop4Diabetes for supporting Diabetes UK. The funds raised will help us create a world where diabetes can do no harm through our research, campaigning and being there for all people living with diabetes and those who care for them.”

Abbott has kindly sponsored this track and music video to support the work of Pop4Diabetes.

You can support Shane and Harriet by listening to 'The People We Keep' on Spotify.

It is also available for purchase on iTunes and Amazon Music

And you can watch the music video here: 

If you have been watching and affected by any of Harriet's storylines, head to our Coronation Street page for advice and information. 

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