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Our reaction to the Spring Statement

Yesterday's Spring Statement from the Chancellor was a missed opportunity to address the rising cost of living which, analysis from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has shown, will result in more people being pushed into poverty. 

Reacting to the Spring Statement

We know that poverty is the single largest determinant of health and has damaging effects on people with, and at risk of, diabetes. Determinants of health are the conditions in our lives, such as poverty and housing, which influence our health.

Support lacking

While we acknowledge there were some measures to address cost of living increases including an additional £500m investment into the household support fund, these fall well short of what is needed.

Failing to take adequate action to prevent more people falling living into poverty will ultimately result in increased health costs (to individuals, the NHS and the government) further down the line with more people experiencing the negative health impacts of poverty – including an increase the amount of people living with type 2 diabetes.

Stronger measures needed to tackle the cost of living crisis 

It’s essential that all people with, and at risk of, diabetes can afford a healthy diet. Something that’s out of reach for many people on the lowest incomes. Analysis shows that people on the lowest incomes would have to spend 75% of their disposable income on food to achieve the government’s Eatwell guidelines.

We also know that keeping warm in colder weather is important for diabetes management and this is a concern with rising energy costs.

It's also disappointing that benefits like Child Benefit and Universal Credit weren't increased to match the rising costs of living

Preventing type 2 diabetes

Tackling the rising cost of living and addressing poverty is essential to preventing type 2 diabetes. We know that people living in poverty are twice as likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Also, for people living with all types of diabetes, poverty is related to poorer health outcomes across a range of areas.

Calling on the government to do more

We call on the government to recognise the health and diabetes implications of the cost of living crisis and take action urgently to reduce the rising number of people living in poverty.


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