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Greater Glasgow and Clyde

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Updated 28 June 2011

Who has diabetes?


Numbers diagnosed

Prevalence (Scottish average 3.5)



















Why are these figures important?

Greater Glasgow & Clyde profile

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde  is the largest of the 14 regional NHS boards in Scotland and serves a population of 1.2 million.   4.5% of the population have diabetes which amounts to 54,470 members of the public. Using statitics from he Scottish Public Health Network we estimate that a further 11,007 people have this condition but have yet to be diagnosed. Compared with the rest of Scotland levels of deprivation are higher. The area also has the highest numbers of people living in the area from an ethnic minority background. 

The Better Diabetes Care survey, conducted by Diabetes UK Scotland in 2009, has suggested that access to annual reviews, which cover areas such as eyes, feet, blood glucose levels, blood pressure weight and a discussion of how patients are feeling have an occurrence rate of 95%.

Diabetic retinopathy screening in Greater Glasgow and Clyde has been found to be similar to  the rest of the country, with 9 in 10 people with diabetes saying they had their eyes checked at least once a year.

The provision of diabetes education is poorer in Greater Glasgow and Clyde compared to the rst of Scotland. 28% of people in Greater Glasgow and Clyde have been offered diabetes education whereas 38% across Scotland have been offered some form of diabetes education.

In relation to foot care, 54.0% of those with diabetes do not receive professional input from this service, with 1 in 10 using private care as an alternative to NHS care.

In 2007, Diabetes UK Scotland and NHS Quality Improvement Scotland pulled together feedback from focus groups and surveys to report on what was the experience of care of people living with diabetes.  The review of the care experience of people living with diabetes within the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area note that this area offers a great deal of support to those with diabetes. In particular, diabetes drop in clinics and Diabetes UK support groups have been found to be both popular and effective.

Voluntary Groups within Greater Glasgow & Clyde

  • Glasgow South
  • Paisley
  • Gartnavel
  • Glasgow Area Parents

What people have said about diabetes care in Greater Glasgow and Clyde

“Once diagnosed treatment was implemented quick and improvements to health outstanding.”

Tell the Scottish Government about your diabetes

The Scottish Government’s websiteBetter Togetheris also interested to hear of people’s experiences of diabetes care.  By submitting your experience of NHS care the government hope to improve health services across Scotland. You can follow this link or if you would like send us we’ll do it for you.

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