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Join us to campaign for better access to diabetes technology across Scotland

Diabetes Scotland is visiting towns and cities across Scotland for meetings to discuss campaigning for diabetes technology


In recent years we’ve had success in our campaigns for insulin pumps and flash glucose monitoring. Although there has been progress, there is still a way to go to ensure that everyone has access to the technology that is right for them.

Over the coming weeks and months we will be organising meetings with people who are interested in getting involved in campaigning for fair and equal access to diabetes technology. Our goal is to bring together people from the diabetes community across Scotland and mobilise a collective effort to ensure that every person with diabetes is given fair and equal access to diabetes technology.

We have already had one meeting in Glasgow and are due to go to Inverness on 24 November.

Further meeting dates will be confirmed depending on where there is interest.

National Director, Angela Mitchell, said:

"No campaign can ever claim success without the input, support and action of the community. That’s why we’re reaching out to people across Scotland to build a campaigning collective. When we work together, we will achieve more for every person affected by diabetes.”

If you would like to get involved, please email

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