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Diabetes in schools resources

We have a collection of useful resources to help support you in getting the best diabetes care in schools. 


make the grade

Type 1 diabetes at school: School Pack

We are currently updating and reviewing our Make the Grade Packs for Schools, and Parents and Carers. In the meantime, please visit our webpage for some guidelines and information about what care to expect in schools, how to have positive conversations with your child's school about diabetes and access to Individual Healthcare plan templates. 

We've also contributed to a training platform for any staff working in a school to upskill and educate them about supporting children and young people living with diabetes. Please share this with your school for a deeper understanding of how to provide care and support to children living with diabetes. 

school parent pack

Type 1 diabetes at school: Parent Pack

We can help you make sure your child gets the care they need at school so that their diabetes doesn't affect their learning.


Residential school trips 

This packs will help you make sure your child will get what they need on school trips.


Sample Medical Conditions Policy

Download a sample Medical Conditions Policy (PDF, 406KB)

Children and Families Act 2014

The statutory guidance, Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions, is available to read on the Government website,


Diabetes card

Designed for a child to carry with them at school, the diabetes card (or ‘hypo card’) states that the child has diabetes and what to do if they have a low blood glucose level (hypoglycaemia).


Download your diabetes card



IHP – a child's individual health care plan

Download a sample IHP (PDF, 3.3MB)



Type 1 diabetes at school log book

Download your free Type 1 diabetes at school: log book (PDF, 33KB) 


Type 1 Diabetes Schools and Community Training Platform

An innovative digital educational platform designed to prepare teachers and school staff with the knowledge and tools needed to support pupils with type 1 diabetes 

Young people walk around a high school. The words 'Type 1 Diabetes in School' is written across the bottom of the image.

- including the physical and mental impacts on young people in schools and the critical role that diabetes tech plays in managing the health of pupils. 

It has been designed by DigiBete and Leeds Children's Hospital Diabetes Team, in collaboration with the National Children and Young People's Diabetes Network, Diabetes UK, and Breakthrough T1D.

Register and access information here


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