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Access to Flash Glucose Monitoring - Guidelines (September 2017)

Diabetes UK, INPUT and JDRF believe that Flash GM devices should be made available to any adult or child with type 1 diabetes, and to people with other forms of diabetes when intensive insulin therapy becomes necessary as outlined in our guideline. 

Download the Diabetes UK Consensus Guideline for Flash Glucose Monitoring September 2017 (PDF, 962KB)

Following campaigning across the diabetes community, from 1 November 2017, Flash GM will be made available on the NHS Drugs Tariff. This means in principle it is available to people with diabetes on NHS prescription. 

It will now be up to local decision makers to draw-up policies about who can access the technology and in what ways. Guidance on these local policies will come from specialists within the NHS and the final decisions on access will be made by local health decision makers.  

Diabetes UK, INPUT and JDRF will work together to:

•    ensure that the voices of people with diabetes are heard, and that their needs are forefront in decision making
•    seek solutions to address barriers to access locally and nationally as they occur
•    inform people with diabetes about access and support people to know their rights. 

We will continue to work together until those who would benefit and like to use Flash GM can easily and simply access it on the NHS.


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