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How do parents and carers feel about children using hybrid closed loop tech?

February 2024
June 2024
UK wide
Newcastle University
Exploring the relationship between hybrid closed-loop technology and uncertainty distress in parents/carers of children with type one diabetes.

Researchers at The Great North Children’s Hospital Newcastle and Newcastle University would like to recruit parents or carers of children (aged 0-17) using hybrid closed loop technology to manage their type 1 diabetes to take part in a study. This study is attempting to learn more about the relationship between uncertainty, distress and how parents or carers respond when feeling uncertain about technology and the management of their children's diabetes. This study could help clinicians working within paediatric diabetes to better understand the challenges of this technology and to support those who use it.  

Taking part will involve completing an anonymous survey with no identifiable information needed, which takes about 20 minutes. Everyone who completes the study can enter the draw to win 1 of 50 £20 Amazon voucher as a thank you for your time and contribution to this research.  

If you are interested in taking part or would like to know more, please visit Diabetes and Uncertainty Survey or contact the lead researcher: Lauren Carlisle ( 

Next Review Date
Next review due
12 June 2024
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