When it comes to carbohydrates, how and what we advise our patients matters. The subject is a huge source of confusion and controversy for both patients and health professionals. Dr Paul McArdle obtained his PhD researching how to improve our carbohydrate advice and that is what this webinar will focus on.
Content and learning objectives
Have a clear understanding of:
- The current evidence base and guidelines for carbohydrate in type 2 diabetes.
- How to classify and understand levels of carbohydrate restriction.
- How to apply the principles of patient-centred care to the question of how much carbohydrate is right for your patient.
Be aware of:
- The differences in the approach to carbohydrate management between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
- The views and experiences of both people with diabetes and dietitians regarding carbohydrate advice.
- A range of resources to help you and your patients.
Be able to:
- State confidently the current state of the evidence for low carbohydrate diets in Type 2 diabetes
- Support your patients to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to carbohydrate and Type 2 diabetes
- Identify further personal learning and development needs
Please note, webinars are not intended to be used by non-medically qualified individuals or as a substitute for, or basis for any medical treatment.
Expert speaker
Dr Paul McArdle RD MBDA - @PMcArdleRD
- Lead Clinical Dietitian & Deputy Head of Nutrition
- Ambassador for the APPG Group on Diabetes
- Chair of the BDA Diabetes Specialist Group
Dr Paul McArdle RD has almost 20 years’ experience working with people with diabetes. His passion is for evidence-based and person-centred care that is compassionate.
Webinar host and moderator
Tanya Haffner, MD RD Nutrilicious
CPD Certificate and learning materials
Applications for CPD approval have been made to the British Dietetic Association (BDA) and the Association for Nutrition (AfN).
Once you have viewed a full recorded webinar the mynutriweb team will review and arrange to send you your certificate via email from hello@mynutriweb.com within two weeks of viewing the webinar.
This webinar is run in association with Diabetes UK.