11 August 2015
The NDA 2014-15 data collection opened on 30 July and will remain open until
Active participation in the NDA isin order to maintain and improve the quality of care provided and commissioned for people with diabetes. Your participation in the NDA will enable you to benchmark your performance and identify where you are performing well. This will help improve the quality of care you provide and help improve outcomes for people with diabetes.
The data from the NDA Core Audit are a key component of the National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit and will be for the National Diabetes Foot Care Audit. Therefore, participation in the core audit will also impact the data for these two further audits. On a national level, 100 per cent NDA participation will ensure that the NHS has the best possible information on which to base improvement efforts in diabetes. Participating in the audit will support change..
This year, for the first time, we will be reporting within six months of data collection - the 2013-14 and 2014-15 data will be published together in December 2015. In addition, the NDA will publish case-mix adjusted analysis to enable improved comparison data.
For full instructions on how to participate,go to the NDA section of the HSCIC website.
If you need further support, please contact the audit team atdiabetes@hscic.gov.ukor alternatively telephone 0300 303 5678.