Mel & Gregor
Despite being on the waiting list for 18 months, we were repeatedly told that due to backlogs and COVID-related delays, it was unlikely that Gregor would receive the pump.
Initially, after my son Gregor's diagnosis, we had to navigate the complexities of the diabetes management regime. Learning about counting carbs, calculating insulin doses, and adjusting fast-acting and long-lasting insulin to keep Gregor's blood sugar within target range. It was a steep learning curve, and Gregor would probably say I’m bit of a nag, constantly reminding Gregor about checking his bloods and managing his diabetes.
Gregor, is an active young boy, plays football and basketball, which sometimes poses challenges in managing his diabetes. He often experiences hypos before school due to his active morning routine. He is also involved in the Scouts and has to manage his diabetes during outdoor expeditions, estimating his carb intake, taking insulin, and dealing with fluctuating blood sugar levels in unpredictable environments.
The Libre 2 sensor has been a game-changer for us. It has eliminated the need for constant finger pricking to check Gregor's blood sugar levels. Instead, alarms on our phones can alert us to any fluctuations.
Accessing diabetes technology beyond the Libre sensor become another significant challenge for us. We considered switching to an insulin pump, which would reduce the number of daily injections Gregor needs to take. The clinic put Gregor on the waiting list for a closed-loop system, specifically the T-Slim pump with Dexcom, in January 2022. However, despite being on the waiting list for 18 months, we were repeatedly told that due to backlogs and COVID-related delays, it was unlikely that Gregor would receive the pump.
We feel frustrated by the lack of progress in obtaining the insulin pump. During clinic visits, the consultant informed us that the waitlist was not moving forward and that we might not receive the pump at all. This news was disheartening for us, we had hoped the pump would offer better diabetes management and alleviate some of the burdens of daily injections.