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"22 miles is a long way. It will be hard but I am looking forward to doing it."

Cameron Docherty, 9, is swimming in memory of his father who had diabetes and passed away seven years ago, aged 27. He entered Swim22 with just five weeks of the challenge remaining and is eagerly taking on the challenge to make his father proud, whilst also raising money and awareness to help people affected by diabetes.  





Cameron going for a swim in his local pool

Karen, Cameron’s mum, said “Cameron and his sister Millie, aged 7, sadly lost their dad to diabetes 7 years ago. He was only 27 years old. The years that followed were at times tough for both Cameron and Millie. Cameron has been supported through his grief by not only family and friends but Richmond’s Hope too.

Growing up, Cameron watched his family raise over £8000 for diabetes in memory of his dad. Due to this he has always been keen to raise money, but until now has never found the right thing to do. Cameron is a great swimmer but this will be the toughest physical challenge he has ever done.”





Cameron and his dad





Cameron's mum Karen, his younger sister Millie and Cameron

Having smashed his £500 fundraising target in less than 24 hours, Cameron has raised a staggering £1,800 and swum 15 miles since diving in to Swim22 in mid-April.  He explains: “My dad died when I was only 2. He was diabetic. I am doing this challenge in memory of my dad, to make him proud and to raise as much money as possible to help save other people's lives. Plus it will help keep me fit.

I need to swim just under 70 lengths four times a week. It will be hard but I am looking forward to doing it. Lots of people have sponsored me already. Thank you.”

You can sign up until end of June

If Cameron has inspired you to take on this challenge and dive into 2017, sign up for Swim22 today.

You can sign up to Swim22 now, registration will be open until the end of June so you’ll still be able to take part if you sign up before then.

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