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Diabetes events were a huge help after my daughter's diagnosis

Helen tells us about the impact of her daughter Charlotte's Type 1 diabetes diagnosis on their lives. And how Diabetes UK events helped them learn more about the condition. 



Helen and her daughter Charlotte 

Helen's story

Charlotte was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was 16 ½ . In some ways we were lucky as she was old enough to understand and manage her condition. But it still meant countless hospital visits where Charlotte had to have numerous blood tests, cannulations and drips.

We were also lucky to have a Diabetic Specialist Nurse at diagnosis who was involved with Diabetes UK. She put us forward for a two day event with Diabetes UK. We met lots of people already living with Type 1, adults, children, parents, nurses and doctors along with researchers. 

We could talk, ask questions and listen to other experiences. It was a huge help to both of us. 


Charlotte attended another Diabetes UK event at Centre Parks in Penrith where she met more teenagers living with the condition. She had the time of her life and still speaks to a lot of the people she met.

Diabetes UK also helped Charlotte with fundraising support when she organised a concert with her brass band.

I know so much more about diabetes now, I’ve become an expert in the condition.

Charlotte’s still on a roller coaster learning about the condition and like any parent, I wish I could take it away from her. But I’d say, despite my constant worrying and checking, Charlotte’s diagnosis has brought us closer together as a family

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