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Our first Community and Events Impact Report celebrates our top achievements of 2023

woman running wearing a CGM

We are thrilled to be sharing our first Community and Events Impact Report, which celebrates all the amazing fundraising activities that took place across the UK in 2023. 

Our Community and Events Impact Report serves to champion the stories and achievements of a community of supporters. 

Through their well-deserved sponsorship, our supporters have given more people access to the diabetes technology they need, funded critical research towards a cure, supported our campaign to tackle poverty and inequality, and helped give young people living with diabetes and their families a source of hope and support. 

The difference we made together 

Although many fundraising challenges are an individual one, we wanted to celebrate the incredible difference we made together in 2023.  

From Wellness Walks to the Welsh Three Peaks, rock music to rock climbing, sky dives to Swim22, and world records to World Diabetes Day (and everything in between!) our wonderful supporters have faced mammoth challenges all in the name of raising vital funds. 

We also wanted to showcase the impact of these funds and some of the incredible things we were able to achieve in 2023 thanks to our wonderful community: 

  • On ‘World Diabetes Day 2023’, Diabetes Scotland launched its ‘Diabetes Tech Can’t Wait’ campaign report at a parliamentary reception at the Scottish Parliament 

  • We held ‘Living Well with Diabetes’ days throughout the UK 

  • We published our ‘Diabetes is Serious’ report 

  • We continued funding pioneering research that has been behind some of the greatest transformations in diabetes care in the last 85 years 

  • We unveiled the ‘Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge’ in partnership with the Steve Morgan Foundation and JDRF propelling us nearer toward better treatment and cures for those living with type 1 diabetes 

Want to find out more? 

So whether you plan to jump out of a plane, swim 44 miles or run a marathon, why not get inspiration from other amazing fundraisers in our community, see the impact of their incredible fundraising and find out what else we’re getting up to in 2024.  

Download the full Community & Events Impact Report 2023 (PDF, 4,092KB)


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