By 2050 the number of people aged 85+ years will be over eight million in the UK. The number of older people living with diabetes is set to rise, with a growing population requiring care in their older age. One in four people in care homes have diabetes.
Use the following resources and tools to improve care for people living with diabetes in care homes.
Essential Reading
- NEW: a webinar, chaired by Professor Alan Sinclair on NAPCHD strategic document of DIABETES CARE FOR CARE HOMES - April 2022
- NEW: Dexamethasone and Oxygen Therapy in Care Home Residents with Diabetes – A Management Guide and Algorithm for Treatment (PDF, 338 KB)
- UPDATED: End of Life Guidance for Diabetes Care (November 2021) (5.7MB)
- Good clinical practice guidelines for care home residents with diabetes (January 2010) (PDF, 475 KB)
- Older people with type 2 diabetes (2012) (PDF, 483 KB)
- TREND and IDOP: Diabetes and dementia: Guidance on practical management (October 2013) (PDF, 264KB)
- Position statement on Diabetes care for older people resident in care homes (June 2014) (PDF, 238 KB)
- England-wide care home diabetes audit (Spring 2014) (PDF, 1.6MB)
- Managing medicines in care homes, NICE website (March 2014)
You can also access summary guides for this topic.
- Transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care home settings for adults with social care needs, NICE website (December 2015)
You can also access summary guides for this topic.
Shared Practice Examples
- The impact of providing enhanced support for care home residents in Rushcliffe (March 2017) (PDF, 355KB)
This briefing looks at the impact of an enhanced support package for older people living in care homes. Introduced in April 2014, it was developed by Principia, a local partnership of general practitioners, patients and community services that aims to provide better quality of care for people in Rushcliffe in Nottinghamshire, England.
- Improving diabetes care in care facilities in Somerset (September 2009) (Word, 497KB)
- NICE local practice examples, NICE website
- Improving diabetes management in care homes in Swale, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (June 2016) (PDF, 1.7MB)
- Resident’s diabetes passport (PDF, 164KB)
- How to: manage insulin administration in the community, Diabetes UK (February 2016) (PDF, 248KB)
Training courses
- Diabetes in healthcare - our introductory education tool for healthcare professionals, covering both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
- Introductory module: The Reasons for Learning - Care Home Audit (1608KB)
The new set of modules below, developed by Professor Alan Sinclair, are to support staff working in care and residential homes who look after residents living with diabetes.
Module A - Principles of Diabetes:
- Screening prevention and early detection (PDF, 1.35MB)
- Promoting self care (PDF, 769KB)
- Basics of Diabetes (PDF, 943KB)
- Diet and exercise (PDF, 756KB)
- Blood glucose and urine monitoring (PDF, 475KB)
Module B - Treating Diabetes:
- Oral therapies (PDF, 964KB)
- Injectable therapies (PDF, 1.04MB)
- Hypoglycaemia (PDF, 1.04MB)
- Hyperglycaemia (PDF, 385KB)
- Intercurrent illness (PDF, 870KB)
Module C - Vascular and Non Vascular Complications of Diabetes:
- Neuropathy and diabetes foot disease (PDF, 1.06MB)
- Nephropathy (PDF, 899KB)
- Retinopathy (PDF, 806KB)
- Cardiovascular disease (PDF, 628KB)
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