Other campaigns
Right across the UK, we campaign to fight diabetes. We fight for better care for the millions of people living with diabetes and to prevent the rise of type 2.
You can read about some of our past campaigns here:

Type 1 Diabetes: Make the Grade
The Type 1 diabetes: Make the Grade campaign aimed to make sure all children with type 1 diabetes get the support and care that they deserve at school so that they are safe, happy and have equal opportunities at school.

Putting Feet First
The Putting Feet First campaign set out to bring an end to the thousands of potentially preventable amputations affecting people with diabetes.

Driving and diabetes
The DVLA and DVA have now agreed to allow drivers who treat their diabetes with insulin to have more choice in how they check their glucose (sugar) levels.

Dan! Stop the fines
Our campaign in 2015 convinced the Government to stop fining people with diabetes for getting prescriptions without a medical exemption certificate.

Our work in parliament
We work with government to inform decisions related to diabetes. We use our solid evidence base to communicate with and influence key decision-makers.

Our campaign successes
With your help we have taken some major steps forward to create a world where diabetes can do no harm.