Up to 27 per cent of residents in older people care homes are likely to have diabetes. With a growing number of older people and an increased risk of diabetes with age, the need is ever more pressing to ensure a good standard of diabetes care for a group of people who are vulnerable, with complex needs.
We have developed a range of recommended resources which support the good clinical practice for care home residents with diabetes.
- Diabetes Awareness TrainingDiabetes at Home– aimed specifically at staff groups working in the older people care sector. This covers essential topics such as hypo prevention, clinical targets, monitoring, food and medication, dementia and end of life care in addition to more general aspects of diabetes. It is suitable for carers at all levels.
- A care plan for people in residential care –Resident's Passport(PDF, 76 KB).
- Our position statements forDiabetes Care for Older People Resident in Care Homes
- Our position statement forEnd of Life Care.